2020 – It wasn’t ALL bad
If 2020 has thought me anything it is to expect the unexpected and be ready to react. As we say bye bye to 2020, I really can't complain, my family are healthy and business is good. Yes the bottom fell out of the pot in March and my diary, which at the time was fairly full then completely emptied. I admit I panicked at first, I have never not had work in the diary but thankfully that was short lived and I am very grateful to all the existing and new customers I have worked with this year.
Now I can only speak for myself and my business and I have so much to be grateful for. 2020 got off to a great start, I was focused on my goals for the year ahead, my general plan was to work smarter and stop being a busy fool and up to March 12th, everything was going great. Then BANG, overnight my diary cleared, I had so many great plans – then ZERO was happening. After a few weeks of mopping about, I threw myself into rebranding to Maybury Marketing and I am glad to say, that since launching, I’ve been incredibly busy. Pre Covid, my business was primarily working with hotels on online marketing and revenue management, as well as Event Management. Needless to say, hotels no longer needed help and events were all completely cancelled. But, I had also been working with some other clients on PR, digital and print marketing, so I was confident with the rebrand that I could offer a good service. But what I did not expect was for my new business to be so well received and to get so many enquiries from businesses who really needed help. For that, I am extremely grateful. I was also accepted onto the Mentoring Panel of two state organisations that support businesses in Ireland. I was chuffed firstly to be accepted but more delighted with the response from the businesses I’ve been helping all across Ireland and I’m blown away by their sheer resilience.

Embracing Video Conferencing !
Zoom – Oh zoom. I can’t say I like zoom but I’ve learned to tolerate zoom. I miss the in person client meetings but video conferencing is where it is at for now, so I need to just embrace it. But I will say, zoom has opened up new opportunities, its allowed me to work with business all across the country, that would not be feasible otherwise, so I guess I should say – Thanks Zoom.

It’s not just my business that has thrived, I have seen many colleagues who have had no choice but to pivot their business to survive. That survival instinct has been very strong this year. As a Nation, we have shown incredible resilience. I’ve seen them take their businesses 100% online, offering online membership packages and online classes. I’ve worked with small retailers who pre-covid were relying solely on foot fall into their shops and have now embraced social media and online shopping and have doubled their turnover as a result. There are many success stories out of 2020.
But I’m not for one minute forgetting those who have suffered greatly because of this pandemic, 2,237 families who have lost a loved one in Ireland alone and that number is rising every day and all those who have been ill. I’m not forgetting either all the people who have had to change their plans, be it events, parties or weddings. And those who have family away that they haven’t seen for months or years and especially those who couldn’t give their loved ones the send off they would have wished for. I'm also very mindful of the businesses that were really affected by this pandemic, the hospitality sector especially, I have many colleagues, friends and also family in hospitality and for them I hope 2021 will be the year of recovery (although it’s not getting off to a great start) ! I salute and thank all the frontline workers who have worked tirelessly this whole year. We are the lucky ones, I was able to spend time with family in 2020, including my parents, they are well and that is a bonus and a relief. There are many families who were not so fortunate.
As for setting goals for 2021, yes I absolutely have set goals - for both my own business and for clients. Will I have achieved them in by this time next year, we’ll see. But I believe there are still many opportunities and much we can achieve in 2021 and I am very excited about the year ahead.
Happy New Year to you all – I hope 2021 brings all you wish for !