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My little jar of positivity

As the year draws to a close, I’m taking some time to reflect on 2024, I’m sharing this, not to showcase my achievements but to share something that might help or inspire others.

At the start of January, I began a simple practice. Eachtime something positive happened, especially in my work, whether big or small, I jotted it down on a little note and tucked it away in a jar. As I sat down to read through those notes recently, it was a great reminder of how much has
happened this year, there was a lot I had forgotten about, which surprised me. Each note was a powerful reminder of growth, gratitude and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

So here are my top takeaways from reading these notes to myself, that I hope will encourage others :

1. People Are Watching
I often question myself when it comes to posting on social media. What should I share? Does it even matter? Why do I bother when engagement is low? But one note in the jar reminded me that even when it feels like no one’s watching, they are…... This year, a new client, someone I’d never met, reached out and said, “I’ve been watching you and I knew you were thetype of person I want to work with.” So if you ever feel disheartened by the lack of likesor comments, remember: your consistency and authenticity are making an impression, even when you can’t see it.

2. It’s OK to Say No
I have turned down work that wasn’t the right fit for mybusiness or the direction I wanted to take. Saying “NO” to business doesn’t come naturally, it feels wrong, especially when you’re building a business. But by trusting my instincts and holding out for the right opportunities, I created
space for better offers to come my way. Be clear on who your ideal customers are and stay trueto that vision.

3. Others See What You Often Can’t See
Some of my biggest opportunities this year weren’t ones Iactively pursued, they were offered to me. Jobs and projects that I might never have considered were brought to me by people who saw something in me I hadn’t fully recognised in myself. Sometimes, we’re too close to our own abilities to see them clearly. Trust the faith others have in you—it’s often more accurate than the doubts you tell yourself.

4. Know Your Worth
I’ve come to understand that valuing myself and my work isn’t selfish, it’s essential. Knowing your worth is what allows you to set boundaries, pursue the right opportunities and show up as your best self. Self-worth isn’t about boosting your ego

5. Accept Feedback graciously
This year, I received some of the most heartfelt words ofencouragement and gratitude but really I’m not great at taking compliments. This is something I want to embrace more in 2025. Not just giving compliments to others but to accept positive feedback and believe that people genuinely
respect what I do. A simple compliment can make someone’s day. Never under estimate the power of a random compliment

If you take anything from reading this, I hope it’s this :take a moment to reflect on your wins, no matter how insignificant you might think they are. Write them down, celebrate them and revisit them when you need a reminder of how far you’ve come. Growth doesn’t always look like giant leaps, it is often found in the little steps we take each day.

Here’s to your wins, big and small. May 2025 bring you even more reasons to fill your own jar.
